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Message from Deputy Mayor Elizabeth Stamler | June 21, 2022

At the June 21 Township Council meeting, there was an update on the Township’s affordable housing obligations. Our redevelopment director, Tom Strowe, reported that Scotch Plains is in compliance with its affordable housing settlement agreement by being proactive in fulfilling our obligations.

(You can view the update here ( starting at 1:03:13.)

Scotch Plains is primarily focused on satisfying our affordable housing obligations through our downtown revitalization effort, providing a win-win for the township.

More units downtown will develop a strong customer base of new downtown residents needed for a successful, sustainable, walkable shopping district while also meeting our constitutional obligation to provide affordable housing with new inclusionary projects.

Additionally, permitting the additional units will incentivize developers to pursue redevelopment projects downtown, protecting our residential neighborhoods from further development.

The Township took a significant step in its downtown revitalization efforts on Tuesday with the introduction of a Redevelopment Plan for three properties on East Second Street.

East Second Street has not seen significant development in decades. This new mixed-use project is envisioned to jump-start the revitalization with a visually appealing architectural design, use of high-quality building materials, and complimentary design features that will set the standard as the corridor finally begins to redevelop.

Consistent with the Township Council’s vision for East Second Street, the project sets a maximum building height of three stories, a maximum residential density of 40 units, and a minimum of 2,100 square feet of new commercial space on the first floor for new businesses.

Fifteen percent, or six, of the units will be affordable and will be subject to a Veteran’s Residency Preference, creating new housing opportunities for Veterans in our downtown. The project also provides all parking on site.

Coupled with other redevelopment projects in the works, this project will lead to more economic development downtown, leading to new tax ratables, new jobs, and more growth opportunities. Learn more about the East Second Street Redevelopment Plan here. (

Additionally, if you or someone you know is looking for affordable housing in Scotch Plains, marketing for the 35 affordable units at the former Bowcraft property (now Glenside) and 34 affordable units at the former Parker Gardens property (now Orchid Park) has kicked off. You have until July 27  to be included in the lottery for these units. Please click here ( for more information.