Tax Collection and Finance
Important Update Regarding Tax Payments
Please see below for important information regarding tax payments. The Township of Scotch Plains is urging tax payer and tax paying agencies to access property tax information on our website
The following can be accessed on the website by clicking “ONLINE PAYMENT” or using the button links on this page.
Quarterly tax payment amounts due and paid
Sewer payments due and paid
Assessed Values
Annual taxes paid
Options to make tax/sewer payments online
Credit and Debit cards accepted – service charge applies
ACH (echecks) accepted
Tax payments can also be dropped off at Town hall in a lock box located in the lobby of the Police Department or can be mailed to Tax Department - 430 Park Avenue, Scotch Plains NJ 07076
Tax Bills are mailed out once a year, usually in June or July, containing four stubs: August and November of the current year and February and May of the subsequent year.
If your mortgage company or bank has escrowed for your taxes, the original bill will be sent to them and the "advice copy" will be sent to you.
If your mailing address changes, and you are still to receive a tax bill, please contact this office in writing advising us where all correspondence should now be sent.
Tax payments are due February 1, May 1, August 1, and November 1 of each year. There is a 10-calendar day grace period each quarter, however, it is important to note that interest accrues from the original due date for any payments received after the 10-calendar day grace period.
Interest is at the rate of 8% per annum on the first $1500.00 and 18% on the amount in excess of $1500.00. 6% year end penalty if delinquency in excess of $10,000. Under N.J.S.A. 54:4-67, the collector must have physical possession of the payment; no postmarks are accepted.
When making your payments by mail and, if you wish to receive a receipt, please include a self-addressed stamped envelope with your payment.
Make your check payable to:
Township of Scotch Plains and mail to
430 Park Avenue, Scotch Plains, NJ 07076.
Submitting Payment:
Detaching the stub and submitting it with your check is acceptable, however, the only receipt of payment/proof of payment will be your returned check.
Submit the entire bill with your check along with a self addressed stamped envelope and we will send back the receipted body of the bill and return it in the envelope you enclosed.
Submit only the amount due. Do not round up or estimate. Please call our office if you do not have the current quarter amount due.
Do not postdate your check. All payments will be deposited as they are received.
There will be a $20.00 service charge for all returned checks.
In the event your mortgage company or bank is no longer responsible for your taxes, it is advisable for you to contact this office immediately for up to date records.
Online Payments:
Residents who are interested in making their tax payments online can do so by clicking here.
NJ Rebate Program Overview
The State of New Jersey has instituted several rebate programs regarding you and your taxes. There are currently three "relief" programs that are being offered through New Jersey State.
Property Tax Reimbursement (Senior Freeze)
Homestead Rebate
Property Tax Deduction/Credit
To learn more about these programs go to
Sewer bills are mailed out in June for the current year.
If your mailing address changes, and you are still to receive a tax bill, please contact this office in writing advising us where all correspondence should now be sent.
Sewer fee payments are due September 1st. There is a 10-calendar day grace period each payment, however, it is important to note that interest accrues from the original due date for any payments received after the 10-calendar day grace period.
Delinquent sewer payments are subject to interest at a rate of 18% per annum.
When making your payments by mail and, if you wish to receive a receipt, please include a self-addressed stamped envelope with your payment.
Make checks payable to:
Scotch Plains Sewer Utility
Mail to:
PO BOX 67095
NEWARK NJ 07101-8083
Submitting Payment:
Detaching the stub and submitting it with your check is acceptable, however, the only receipt of payment/proof of payment will be your returned check.
Submit only the amount due. Do not round up or estimate. Please call our office if you do not have the current quarter amount due.
Do not postdate your check. All payments will be deposited as they are received.
There will be a $20.00 service charge for all returned checks. PLEASE NOTE that separate checks are required when making both a tax payment and a sewer fee payment.
The Tax Collector is responsible for the billing, enforcement and collection of municipal property taxes, county taxes, school taxes, special assessments and sewer charges. The Tax Collector is a statutory position and the holder of this office must possess a Certified Tax Collectors License from the State of New Jersey.
If you are a Senior Citizen (age 65) or a Veteran of the United States Armed Forces, you may be entitled to a property tax deduction upon meeting certain requirements. You can call the Office of the Tax Collector for more information regarding these deductions to see if you are eligible. Additionally, in 1997 Governor Whitman signed a law into effect that will allow for a ''Tax Freeze" for certain eligible Senior Citizens. For more information regarding this tax freeze please call 1-800-882-6597.

430 Park Avenue
Scotch Plains, NJ 07076
(908) 322-6700, ext. 207 & 208
Fax: (908) 322-5021
Office Hours:
8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Rhia Correia, Tax Collector, ext. 210
Michael Ross, Tax Assessor, ext. 204