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Councilwoman Elizabeth Stamler

Message from Councilwoman Elizabeth Stamler | October 18, 2024

Scotch Plains continues to enhance our emergency response service, with more personnel and equipment added on a regular basis to make our community as safe as possible. 

I’m pleased that independent, third-party assessors are taking notice, resulting in what could be a direct benefit for Scotch Plains property owners.

At this week’s Township Council meeting, we heard a presentation from Deputy Fire Chief Skip Paal, who shared an impressive report from the Insurance Services Office, Inc. (ISO), a provider of statistical, actuarial, underwriting, claims information and other analytics.

The company reported an improved fire safety score for Scotch Plains, a result which may decrease homeowner insurance rates for township property owners. While the precise impact ISO scores have on insurance premiums differs from company to company, the deputy chief emphasized the improvements will have a direct influence on rates. 

To quote Paal: “This is money right back in your pocket. No application forms, no paperwork. There is plenty more work to come, and the result will be a Scotch Plains more affordable for current residents and more attractive to future residents.”

ISO is a key resource for fire departments across the nation; its researchers are vital within the property and casualty insurance industry. They help assess our fire department’s risk by analyzing its structure, operations, and compliance with industry standards. This includes important evaluation factors, such as fire protection.

ISO regularly conducts comprehensive evaluations and publishes a report, scoring organizations on a scale from 10 (worst) to 1 (best) on their adherence to standards. Insurance companies often take this score into account when setting rates.

When John Lestarchick and Skip Paal were appointed Fire Chief and Deputy Fire Chief, respectively, in 2017, they focused on improving the ISO score for the Scotch Plains Fire Department.   The last ISO review was in 2017; the enhanced rating takes effect Jan. 1, 2025.

Our emergency responders have been working hand-in-glove with the Township Administration and Township Council to make that happen; this has truly been a collaborative effort.

“When we first started our roles, our ISO rating was around a 5, which was not okay for us,” Paal told the Township Council on Tuesday night. “It meant we could be doing more to improve fire safety in Scotch Plains and secure more affordable homeowner insurance premiums for residents. As soon as John and I started, we focused on improving immediately addressable areas. We are happy to say our score is down from a 5 to a 4 in the most recent ISO report, and we believe it is highly likely we will be down to a 3 in the next evaluation.”

One of the most impactful improvements we’ve made in recent years has been the addition of a new ladder truck. The new apparatus resulted in a point increase of 84% in the relevant ISO evaluation category and greatly contributed to the improved overall score.

Other important improvements made by the fire department: enhanced testing of hoses, ladders, and air packs, a new fire hydrant testing program, a community risk reduction program, and visits to elementary schools to educate kindergarteners and first graders on fire safety.

The ISO noted those accomplishments directly improved scoring in these categories: personnel, training, equipment, deployment analysis and community risk reduction.

I’m pleased to say these changes haven’t just improved the township’s ISO score, but have also enhanced the organizational efficiency of the fire department and tightened its connection with the Scotch Plains community.

Township leaders are steadfast in making Scotch Plains safer and more affordable for our residents. Securing funds for the new truck was a must for us, and the Township Council is pleased to see the ongoing efforts reflected in our improved ISO score.


Photo Credit: John Mooney