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Message from Mayor Josh Losardo | June 16, 2022

The American flags you see across Scotch Plains also proudly fly across our nation and around the globe, in our classrooms and our courthouses, on our front lawns at home, in the back window of our cars, and alongside the graves of all of our veterans.

It is our proud Old Glory that flies above our soldiers in the field and the same flag that drapes the caskets of the fallen and comforts the families who suffer the greatest loss.

Our flag represents everything our great nation has accomplished, everything we aspire to and every opportunity, hope and dream we will offer or fulfill in the future. 

As mayor of Scotch Plains, I am grateful for our flag and all it stands for and honored to have a chance to celebrate Flag Day, today.

It was on June 14, 1777 that the Second Continental Congress – meeting in Philadelphia with John Hancock presiding – approved the design of a national flag as the symbol of our young country. Our Founding Fathers would be pleased to know that the American flag would become the most powerful symbol of liberty, freedom, and justice throughout the world.

Lets take this important moment to reflect on our freedoms and the principles of our great nation for which this flag stands, and there may be no be no better time to do this than on Flag Day.  

Our flags serve as a constant reminder of the freedoms and principles of our great nation, and the sacrifices made by the men and women in military service to protect our freedom. 

Our flag – a beacon of democracy and hope – should perhaps take on even greater meaning this year as we look to the people of Ukraine, fighting – and dying – for their democracy and the same privilege to fly their own country’s flag.

There is no doubt, democracy comes with a steep price. It should be cherished today and everyday.

Thank you, and God Bless America.