Senior Programs & Services
Advisory Board
The Senior Advisory Board is a group of volunteers appointed by the Mayor to advise the Recreation Department and Commission on activities, programs, and facilities for the senior residents of the Township.
- Mary Wanca
- Kelley Price
- Sylvia Lovell
- Howard Sukoff
- Caroline Perkins
- Sam Maniguilt
- Maribeth Fisher
- Mary Pembridge
- Council Liaison, Ellen Zimmerman
Senior Resource Guide
A comprehensive guide to senior services available in Union County.
Golden Agers
Established in 1966, the Scotch Plains Golden Agers meet from September to June on Thursdays from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.. The club meets each week at the Shady Rest Country Club. Join the group for weekly activities that include bingo, crafts, parties for special occasions, special luncheons, guest speakers and much more! Bus service is available and trips are scheduled throughout the year. For more information, please call Mary Wanca, at 908-397-7337.
Union County Paratransit System Provides Transportation to Senior Citizens
The Union County Paratransit System can provide transportation to senior/disabled residents anywhere in Union County, Monday through Friday 7:30am-5:30pm, excluding holidays.
Travelers must make a reservation at least 6 days in advance, but reservations are accepted up to 3 weeks in advance. The fare is $3.00 each way, totaling a round trip to $6.00. However, in the event you are unable to pay, waivers based on riders' income are available. If a rider requires someone to travel with them, there is no charge for that individual. Billing will be done each month following the month of service, payable by check or money order ONLY to "Union County Paratransit Program."
Paratransit is a door-to-door service, so riders must be able to get to the bus. All buses are handicap accessible and have wheelchair lifts and lock-down in the van.
Paratransit reservations can be made at 908-241-8300 (Option 1). In addition to providing transportation to physicians, shopping, and other locations, Paratransit also provides a Route 22 shuttle service, which information can be found for here.
Paratransit also provides specific resources for Union County veterans to access major veteran medical clinics in and out of county, which occur on specific days. These include service to Lyons Hospital every Tuesday and Thursday, service to East Orange VA Hospital every Monday and Wednesday, and service daily to the veterans' clinic at Trinitas Hospital.
Aging in Place Program
Morris Habitat for Humanity has an Aging in Place program for seniors over the age of 62 living in specific NJ Counties, in which Scotch Plains residents are eligible. Work that is eligible includes anything that will improve the mobility, accessibility, or safety of your home, as well as energy efficient repairs.
Please visit or call 973-891-1934 for more information or to apply.
Bus Transportation
First fill out a registration form that can be downloaded here, be picked up at the Recreation Department office or mailed to you by calling either the Dial-A-Ride number, (908) 322-5151 or the main Recreation Department number, (908) 322-6700 ext. 223 or 221. All passengers must be a self-reliant senior (age 55 or older) or be accompanied by an aide.
Then to make an appointment for transportation, call (908) 322-5151. Leave a message 48 hours or more prior to your need and a department representative with call you back within 24 hours during business days. This service is offered on a limited, first come first served basis.
Approx. 10:30 am is usually the earliest home pick up time and the last return pick up time is 1:00 p.m., Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, when available. Other times are occasionally available. Call for details.
Wednesday and Friday morning bus trips are provided for seniors to the Blue Star Shopping Center in Watchung. Registered Fanwood and Scotch Plains seniors wishing to use this service must call and leave a message at (908) 322-5151 any time before 8:30 a.m. on the day of the trip.
Trips to various other shopping malls are offered the third Monday of most months. This is a door-to-door service with pickups starting at 9:00 a.m. The bus departs the mall at 1:45 p.m. Interested registered seniors must call the Recreation Dept. office in advance of the trip date.
Transportation is also available to the following;
Meridian Club: Open to all seniors, the club meets at the Shady Rest Country Club, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Tuesdays. Call Anthony Perfilio at 908-889-4868 for more information.
Golden Age Club: Open to all seniors, the club meets at the Shady Rest Country Club, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Thursdays. Call Mary Wanca, at 908-397-7337, for information.

Senior Housing
Senior Citizen Housing Corporation of Scotch Plains
2002 Lake Avenue, Scotch Plains, NJ 07076
908-654-1313 • FAX 908-654-1312 • TTY/TTD 800-852-7899
Affordable housing for Seniors:
- One and Two Bedroom units
- Handicapped Accessible units
- Ample on-site parking
- Laundry facilities
- Community area includes meeting room, library and card room
Senior Nutrition Program
The central objective of the lunch program is to maximize independence and dignity of our seniors. Any person who is 60 years of age or older is cordially invited to participate. There are no income guidelines to participate; however a voluntary donation of $1.75 per meal is suggested. If one person of a couple is under age 60, the suggested donation is $4.00. Donations are used to offset the cost of the meals and to expand the program.
If you are interested in attending, please make your reservation by calling 908-322-5151.
Low Income Home Energy Assistance/Cooling/Universal Service Fund/Weatherization Program
PROCEED, Inc. administers the Low Income Home Energy Assistance/Cooling/Universal Service Fund/Weatherization Program. The programs assist qualified residents with assistance for heat, cooling, and weatherization will have a home inspected to replace/repair furnaces, hot water heaters, windows, and refrigerators to name a few, ensure the home is as energy efficient as possible. PROCEED also provides grab bars free of charge to seniors, in addition to many other programs. The agency can be reached by calling 908 351 7727.
Assisted Transportation Available
Jewish Family Services administers an assisted transportation SHTP to provide individualized links for impaired or isolated seniors to enable them to utilize facilities and services such as banks, stores, medical resources, and other necessary destinations for riders and will assist residents out of the home.
This is non-denominational agency who can be reached at 908-352-8375.