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Message from Councilman Matt Adams

Promoting sound environmentally sustainable planning is a key element to Scotch Plains’ overall downtown revitalization effort.   

I’m pleased our plan encourages green building technologies to be incorporated into any building that is constructed. 

“Green building” is the key to reduced energy and operating costs. We envision the use of solar panels, green roofs, green walls, rain gardens, storm water recharging systems, solar powered lighting, and the use of high efficiency fixtures and appliances to cut down on energy consumption.   

The plan also calls for a minimum of 10% of all newly-constructed parking spaces to be equipped with electric vehicle charging stations. 

Investing in our streetscape is integral to downtown revitalization. We are poised to create a green environment, with tree-lined streets, well integrated landscape improvements, and new public open space fostering a lively environment and providing comfortable public spaces for all to enjoy. 

Another key element of green construction: developing underused downtown land and paved areas that have a history of flooding into new buildings and other amenities that are engineered and designed to withstand future floods. All downtown projects will comply with the state flood control requirements. That includes developers raising the elevations of their new buildings to address floodplain issues. 

Improving and investing in our public infrastructure is also a key component of downtown redevelopment. Developers, at their sole cost and expense, will perform engineering studies and complete project-specific infrastructure improvements, focusing on green technologies for flood mitigation. 

Adopting this comprehensive plan will make our downtown more environmentally sustainable and resilient to the effects of climate change and flooding, providing us with a real opportunity to make our downtown “greener.”   

Click HERE to learn more about Scotch Plains’ downtown redevelopment plan.