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Message from Councilmember Ellen Zimmerman | October 13, 2021

Among the many exciting components of the Township’s downtown revitalization plan will be displays of public art. I look forward to seeing the great works of local artists, furthering the “sense of place” that underscores how the redeveloped area will be uniquely Scotch Plains.

All across the world, public art has been an amenity of economic development, drawing people into town centers and attracting new businesses and investors that value culturally vibrant communities.

I believe public art can further increase property values in our redevelopment area and surrounding streets, while also giving our local artists the perfect platform to express themselves.

The Township Council recognizes the power and potential of public art. We were sure to include a section in the overall redevelopment plan that includes this important component.

For our downtown, I envision outdoor sculpture walks, featuring local artists’ work as part of the new streetscape design. I also hope to see annual arts performances and other special events that draw even more visitors to the redevelopment area. And I look forward to fostering new partnerships with community groups who will soon have the ideal venue in which to display their art.

Our plan calls for two public plazas for event space and gatherings; public art would be a key feature. Opportunities are boundless: Art can be incorporated into fountains, benches, mosaics, murals, sculptures, walkways, plaza designs and other unique ways that residents choose.

These special spaces can also be used for art performances/displays, while our Library can host creativity workshops to nurture even more public art. In addition to murals or wall mosaics, I believe public art can be included in building designs through masonry patterns designed by local artists. Our building façades could even include display cases for local artwork.

Let’s get really creative. How about a downtown streetscape design with decorative crosswalks, utility boxes, street trees, benches, and other elements providing opportunities to incorporate public art? Art could also play a role within building architecture or etched into the sidewalks to further enhance this new, wonderful pedestrian experience.

Whether you are a local artist or someone who just appreciates art, Scotch Plains is eager to create more opportunities and spaces for art. I urge you to learn more by clicking here.