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Message from Deputy Mayor Elizabeth Stamler | October 21, 2022

A key part of our downtown revitalization is the highly-anticipated new Scotch Plains Public Library, built in 1968, that is operating beyond its capacity and no longer meeting our growing community’s needs.

It is not economically feasible to renovate or expand the existing building.

That is why we are planning for a new, 27,000-square-foot library that will expand its role as a community-focused facility offering more programming, resources, and improved information necessary to meet our communities’ growing needs for the next 50 years.

The plans also include an outdoor plaza that will be part of the library’s main entrance and will expand the space that the library will have for activities and outdoor programs.

Moreover, the building will also include our municipal offices on the third floor so there would be no need to operate town hall on a separate site, providing the town with cost savings by merging our municipal operations into the same building.

The new library is part of the larger vision of stimulating downtown development. The programs and services of the new library will attract residents and visitors from the broader area generating much-needed foot traffic downtown, thus spurring economic development and attracting investment. The presence of a new library will also increase local property values and the economic development it will incentivize will lead to the expansion of our tax base.

Our plan received a tremendous boost this week. We received word from our state senator, Senate President Nick Scutari, that the state will be providing $4 million to support our vision. Such a generous grant further underscores widespread support for our plan, a key component of the entire downtown revitalization that is underway.

I would like to thank Mayor Josh Losardo, Councilman Roc White and Town Manager Al Mirabella, all of whom strongly urged Senator Scutari to support our plan as the state developed its fiscal ’23 budget. We appreciate and value the open line of communication that Scotch Plains has with Senate leadership, as this excellent relationship has a direct benefit for our 24,000 residents.

I am very excited for the next step. Our new library will offer plenty more space for residents to gather, study and read, as the current building has no small meetings areas and limited programming space.  The new building will also be fully accessible to people with disabilities, unlike what we offer now, ensuring that all patrons have equal opportunity to enjoy this new, community amenity.

As we take the next steps of our downtown revitalization plan into 2023, we look forward to further updating residents about the future of our library, as well as when we can anticipate a groundbreaking!