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Message from Councilman Roc White | January 21, 2022

In 2022, I once again have the opportunity to serve as the council liaison to our local veterans. I am proud to say that Scotch Plains has a significant number of active veterans who take part in the many programs and services that are offered through the year.

I am among these residents who have served; I am a Marine who proudly served in the Gulf War. Through my time in the service, and now as a member of Scotch Plains’ governing body, I offer unique perspective to my council colleagues about the needs of our local veterans, many of whom are senior citizens.

This past November, I had the honor of accepting the “We Value our Veterans Award” on behalf of Scotch Plains from Gov. Phil Murphy (pictured below), who saluted all the work that is done throughout the year in our township to honor and remember veterans. 

Last year, for example, Scotch Plains was pleased to join the family of Sgt. John Barich on Hunter Ave. to unveil a “topper” on the street sign at East Second Street. Sgt. Barich was one of the heroes from Scotch Plains that we lost during World War II, and this dedication was certainly a long time coming.   

We also joined the school board to mark the name change of Park Middle School. It is now named the Malcolm E. Nettingham Middle School in honor of the late Tuskegee Airman who lived in Scotch Plains for his entire life.   

In 2022, we look forward to honoring veterans at public meetings and events, holding our Memorial Day and Veterans Day events, as well as providing continual resources to help our veterans as much as possible.   

Scotch Plains remains committed to recognizing our Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen. We extend our appreciation to all, may their patriotism and sacrifice forever be honored.