Message from Deputy Mayor Matt Adams | March 14, 2025
With spring on the horizon, the annual budget process is underway at town hall.
This year’s proposed municipal budget – scheduled to be adopted on April 15 – reflects the Township Council’s continued commitment to recreation, public safety and infrastructure improvements. We are seeing a decline in federal funding and continued inflation driving up costs across virtually all categories of the Township’s expenses, particularly employee health benefits.
Scotch Plains’ leaders take the task of managing the people’s money very seriously. The fact that the Township continues to maintain a Aaa bond rating from the independent rating agency Moody’s illustrates the extent to which the Township Council and Administration are fiscally responsible. An Aaa bond rating is a relatively uncommon achievement for municipal government. Not only has Scotch Plains been upgraded in recent years, but it has also maintained its top tier bond rating.
It is also worth a reminder that Scotch Plains provides all municipal services by retaining only 14% of your total tax bill. The municipal portion of the bill in Scotch Plains is among the lowest percentages in the state. The remaining portion of your tax bill supports the Board of Education, the County of Union and the library.
The fact that the municipality can do so much with so little continues to amaze me. It takes a careful eye on the bottom line. It also takes diligence in identifying funding opportunities and partnerships with different levels of government, as well as partnerships with the private sector.
Although the municipal portion of the tax bill has been relatively flat for the last 10 years, 2025 will contain an increase of an estimated $15 per household, on average, per month. This is primarily because of significant increases to health insurance, pensions, general inflation (utilities, goods and services), reduction in federal aid and improvements in public safety.
This year’s proposed budget includes ongoing upgrades to our municipal parks and the tools and equipment needed by our Recreation Department personnel to support and maintain the many upgrades underway. It is undeniable that parks and recreation has been prioritized at never-before-seen levels in Scotch Plains.
The results are evident, and will continue to come online in the year ahead.
Public safety is also paramount in the 2025 proposed municipal budget, with state-of-the-art equipment and training slated for our Township’s police, fire, and emergency medical services.
Scotch Plains residents should rest easy knowing we fund public safety at historic levels. As Council liaison to the Police Department, I recently attended a demonstration of the new rear sight firearm accessories being acquired in the 2025 capital budget at the police shooting range.
I saw the lifesaving equipment that we are about to acquire for our police officers. It is very gratifying to know that we are providing the very best to protect Scotch Plains’ finest as they risk their own safety to protect us.
On the infrastructure front, the municipality has a fleet of vehicles that respond to emergencies, undertake snow plowing and roadwork, and support an assortment of additional municipal government functions.
We have to keep those vehicles running well. Our failure to maintain our fleet could impact emergency response times and otherwise jeopardize residents’ quality of life. That is why this year’s capital budget includes upgrades to our Township’s fueling capacity for the fleet. We also continue our highly successful road upgrade program.
Year after year, budget after budget, we continually address issues that will sustain Scotch Plains for decades to come, increase property values, and contribute to the overall quality of life for residents of all ages.
Between now and the final budget vote on April 15, I encourage you to reach out to me or any of my colleagues with questions or comments. We serve you!
The fiscal decisions that we make are on your behalf. We would love to share more of our thinking, and hear your thoughts. Contact information for the Administration and all members of the Township Council can be found here.