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Message from Deputy Mayor Elizabeth Stamler | January 14, 2022

As we begin 2022, I am pleased to once again serve as the Council’s liaison to the Green Team. We are looking forward to continuing to educate residents about ways in which to lead a greener lifestyle.

For example, the Green Team is partnering with the New Jersey Clean Communities Council on its statewide “Bag Up NJ” campaign, as we prepare for the ban on single-use bags at stores beginning May 4, 2022. To prepare for this state law, the Green Team will be providing reusable bags to Scotch Plains residents, urging us all to plan ahead and bring our own bags when we shop. (You can learn more about the law at, as well as download free informational materials.)

The Green Team also works throughout the year on litter clean-ups, in which we are always looking for volunteers to join us with bags and gloves. Please keep an eye out in our weekly E-Messenger for the spring clean-ups, as we continually look for ways in which to beautify our town.

This year, I also have the opportunity to serve on other committees as the Council liaison, including Downtown Redevelopment, the Americans with Disabilities Act Advisory Board and the Library Board. Volunteers run these committees; I’m very appreciative of the countless hours they spend serving Scotch Plains.

On a personal note, I am continuing to serve as Secretary of the New Jersey Sharing Network Foundation Board and as a board member of Hearts for Emma. Advocating for organ and tissue donation continues to be of utmost importance to me. We also continue fostering dogs in our home; we have already helped seven dogs find their forever homes! Please consider adoption when adding a new furry family member.