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Message from Councilman Roshan White | October 8, 2021

Last Sunday, the community joined together at our annual Scotch Plains Day to honor our volunteers, the true backbone of the town.   

In his remarks during the raising of the Scotch Plains municipal flag, Mayor Josh Losardo spoke of the numerous charitable, athletic, faith-based and civic organizations in our town, as well as the countless volunteers who are needed to fill the ranks. He also spoke of how municipal government in Scotch Plains is also run by dedicated, hard-working volunteers, who fill our boards and commissions. 

Mayor Losardo challenged all of us to do more. Scotch Plains continues to have a need for many more volunteers, despite the fact that so many of our residents selflessly give their time and energy each day to further improve our quality of life.   

The mayor, who makes appointments to boards and commissions, provided me with a list of vacancies. Anyone with an interest in serving – no matter political party affiliation, years living in town or age – is encouraged to reach out and express interest. If you are eager to serve Scotch Plains, I am sure there is a very important place for you.   

Scotch Plains currently has vacancies here: 

Library Board Planning Board
Environmental Commission
Green Team
Historical Documentation and Preservation Committee

There is a member of the Township Council who is assigned to each board and commission and provides regular reports to the governing body. For example, I work with the Fire Department, the Memorial Day Parade & Concert Committee, the Planning Board and the TRHT Committee. I look forward to the input from the volunteers I meet with regularly, as their opinions truly shape how our government operates.   

So, join us and have a stronger voice in Scotch Plains! It is my sincere hope that you will consider getting involved.  To take the next step, please send a letter of interest and background information about yourself to Township Clerk Bonnie Lacina at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  We will then be in touch to see how you can best serve.   

Thank you for all that you do.