Message from Mayor Josh Losardo | January 17, 2025
I am writing to address a matter that deeply affects the safety and well-being of everyone: the need for careful, responsible driving in our town.
Recently, I received a heartfelt letter from a resident of Ashbrook Drive who expressed immense gratitude for the swift actions of our police department. The letter detailed the harrowing experience of a reckless driver speeding through the neighborhood, endangering not only this resident and her two young children, but everyone else in the area.
Thanks to the vigilance and professionalism of Sgt. Ostrowski and Officer Pereira, appropriate measures were taken to address this dangerous behavior. While this outcome is a testament to the swift and ongoing dedication of our police force, it also serves as a stark reminder of the ongoing need for responsible driving.
As we all know, too many of our local streets in Scotch Plains lack sidewalks, requiring residents to walk, run, and bike directly on the roadways. This is of particular concern on the streets surrounding our schools during busy pick-up and drop-off times.
Driving at excessive speeds or engaging in reckless behavior not only violates the law but jeopardizes the lives of your neighbors and loved ones.
Just a day after receiving the letter from the Ashbrook Drive resident, I was driving my son to the high school. We saw a motorist recklessly cut off other vehicles on a very busy Cooper Road – a one lane road with a 25-mile-an-hour speed limit – and came within inches of causing a major accident.
We must all be vigilant. I urge all residents to:
- Obey all traffic laws: Speed limits are carefully established to ensure the safety of drivers, pedestrians and cyclists. Please respect them.
- Stay Alert: Pay attention to your surroundings, especially in neighborhoods and areas where people might be close to the road.
- Lead by Example: I ask that you help set a community-wide standard of responsibility and care that others, including our younger and newer drivers, can emulate.
We are all fortunate to live in a town where community spirit and mutual respect are core values. Let’s uphold these values by driving more safely and ensuring that our streets remain secure for everyone.
And to the resident of Ashbrook Drive who highlighted this critical issue: thank you for your diligence and for recognizing the efforts of our police officers. Your actions and words remind us all of the importance of working together to keep our neighborhoods safe.
Please join me in making a commitment to safer driving. Together, we can protect the lives and well-being of all who proudly call Scotch Plains home.