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Message from Deputy Mayor Elizabeth Stamler | September 30, 2021

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” – Gandhi

This Scotch Plains Day, we will be celebrating our volunteers. 

They are the true backbone of our community. They are the silent warriors who do the necessary work, without any pay and, very often, without nearly enough recognition.

Our volunteers are the people we depend upon – especially when the unforeseeable happens. I think often about Hurricane Ida, and how our volunteer responders rushed in to help. Not for glory. Not for ego.

It’s just because they want to help. That is the essence of a Scotch Plains volunteer.

We have seen our volunteers on the front lines over the past 18 months, as Scotch Plains continues to respond to this lingering pandemic. It has brought out even more dedication from our volunteers.

I’ve met with neighbors who are sewing masks for strangers, or doing the grocery shopping for a family in crisis. I’ve seen our fellow residents give rides to school, to doctor appointments, to anywhere needed, just to help, a minute here, a minute there. 

Acts of kindness are everywhere you look in Scotch Plains. It is really the hallmark of our town.

Volunteerism is also evident on the boards and commissions that support the town. And there are dozens of more non-profit organizations that do amazing work for our residents throughout the year.

When we come together, we can do incredible things.

One small example is our new Trex bench on the Alan Augustine Village Green. Last year, the Scotch Plains and Fanwood Green Teams collaborated to collect thin-film plastics for drop-off locations in both towns. We amassed enough to earn a bench that residents will enjoy for years to come and remind us of what can happen when we work together.

I see that volunteer spirit at our annual MLK Jr. Day of Service each January, as well as whenever I drive by an athletic field and see all those coaches, or when there are scouting programs, or turkey giveaways or food pantries, or rides for seniors. The list goes on and on and on.

I challenge you to further embrace the volunteer spirit of Scotch Plains. Find something you're passionate about. For me, it's organ donation and rescue dogs. More than likely, there is an organization or group that fits your latest interests and performs good work in town.

The perfect place to get started is Scotch Plains Day this Sunday.  There will be numerous local organizations with tables with information. Stop by and see where you can help.

Here’s the list: Congregation Beth Israel, Fanwood-Scotch Plains Girl Scouts, Fanwood-Scotch Plains Rotary, Fanwood-Scotch Plains YMCA, Historical Society of Scotch Plains, Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, League of Women Voters, New Jersey Sharing Network, Preserve the Shady Rest/Shady Rest Golf Club, REAL Parents x SPF and the Scotch Plains Democratic Committee.

There’s also the Scotch Plains Department of Parks and Recreation, Scotch Plains Environmental Commission, Scotch Plains Fire Department, Scotch Plains Green Team, Scotch Plains Office of Emergency Management, Scotch Plains PBA Local #87, Scotch Plains Redevelopment Committee, Scotch Plains Republican Committee, Scotch Plains Rescue Squad and Scotch Plains-Fanwood Baseball League.

The list continues with the Scotch Plains-Fanwood Ice Hockey Association, Scotch Plains-Fanwood UNICO, Social Justice Matters, St. Bart's Old Timer's League, St. John Baptist Church, Terrill Road Baptist Church, Union Catholic High School, Union County Bureau of Recycling and Union County Board of Commissioners.