How to Recycle

For questions, contact:
Frank DiNizo -
Recycling Coordinator - 908-322-6700, ext. 243 & 244
The Township of Scotch Plains contracts with Grand Sanitation, Inc. to provide curbside recycling pickup. Service remains on a biweekly basis, and no changes have been made to acceptable materials and guidelines.
Click Here for a Map of Zones for Residents.
How to Recycle
Newspapers — Tie in bundles no higher than 10 inches, or place in paper bags.
Magazines, Catalogs, Junk Mail, Phone Books, Hardcover & Paperback Books, Mixed Paper — Tie in bundles or place in paper bags.
Corrugated Cardboard — Flattened and tied.
Household Dry-Cell Batteries — May be placed out with regular trash.
Co-Mingled Food and Beverage Containers — Glass, aluminum, tin and steel food and beverage containers and pourable plastic bottles may be mixed together, and should be placed in a rigid reusable container such as a crate, bucket, or garbage can. Full containers should not weigh more than 50 pounds or be greater than 20 gallons in size. No plastic bags.
- Contaminated, improperly prepared, or unacceptable materials will not be collected. Rinse food and beverage containers.
- Dispose of lids and caps. There is no need to remove labels. Flatten plastic containers to save space.
- Homeowners in Scotch Plains may "single stream" their recycling, which means both co-mingled material and paper material may be placed in one container.
- For Scotch Plains Residents who wish to use the Westfield Conservation Center located on Lamberts Mill Road, a special annual fee is available. Call the Westfield Department of Public Works at (908) 789-4100 ext. 600 for more details on obtaining and completing the application.
* Please note: Recycling must be placed in an unmarked generic container. If items are placed with another hauler's information on it, it will not be collected.
Questions about the recycling program? Call (908) 322-6700, ext. 243 or 244.
Single Stream Recycling Reminders
The recycling industry has undergone significant changes regarding curbside single stream collection which has substantially limited the items accepted for recycling.
Please remember:
- Only Plastic #1 and #2 are accepted
- No plastic bags are accepted
- No shredded paper will be accepted
- Containerize your recycling to minimize contamination; do NOT put items in plastic bags
Do NOT Recycle Batteries in Single Stream Curbside Collection

Do NOT recycle batteries in single stream curbside collection as it may cause significant damage to the recycling facility during processing.
For more information on how to recycle your batteries, please visit the Union County Recycling webpage.