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Other Recycling Options

Scotch Plains Styrofoam and E-Waste Recycling Program

Scotch Plains residents (ID Required) can drop off Styrofoam at the Scotch Plains DPW, located at 2445 Plainfield Ave., on Thursdays between 7:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Union County is coordinating the new program and providing collection bins, signage and educational brochures. 

Styrofoam is the common name for polystyrene, which comes under the Plastic #6 recycling category. Residents who use the drop-off locations can help ensure that the program is successful by following the recycling rules. The list of unacceptable items includes all food service items, packing “peanuts,” egg cartons, and any dark colored, wet, or dirty foam. E-Waste is Computers, Fax Machines, Monitors, mobile phones, Printers, and Televisions, and that those can be dropped off the same time as the Styrofoam.

Click here to read the entire story on TAP into Scotch Plains-Fanwood for more details on the program.
