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Message from Deputy Mayor Ellen Zimmerman | January 12, 2023

Serving as part of your town council these past few years has been one of the most rewarding, though at times challenging, things I have ever done. 

It has been such a privilege for me to work alongside Mayor Losardo, Deputy Mayor Stamler, Councilman White, and Councilman Adams. I am honored to be a part of such an amazing team- all working together for the good of our community. I want to especially thank Deputy Mayor Stamler for paving the way for me in this position. I am certain I will continue to lean on you for advice and guidance.

It has also been an honor to work closely not only with my council colleagues but with members of our Township Administration and community who share my passion for creating a stronger, more inclusive Scotch Plains. 

I would like to take a moment to reflect on some of our achievements throughout my tenure that I am most proud of: 

  • Adaption of a Town Redevelopment plan and a Master plan for Park improvements
  • Instituting a PRIDE celebration and flag raising, partnering with Social Justice Matters on a Juneteenth celebration, and restoring Shady Rest to its original name
  • The expansion of Senior programming
  • Maintaining a AAA bond rating and lack of appreciable tax increase

It has been a privilege to play a role in each of these initiatives as well as many others and to help promote programs and projects that put the needs of our community at the forefront. I am thrilled to be taking on this new role as your Deputy Mayor, and to continue the exciting work of the past few years in a new capacity. 

I want to thank the many volunteers who I have had the opportunity to work with on various committees as council liaison. As I have previously written in this E-messenger, there is no way our township administration and council could address the pressing needs and many projects of such a progressive community, without the ongoing support from community volunteers.

Finally, I would like to thank everyone in town who has gotten in touch with us and come to town council meetings these past few years. My time serving has made it clear to me, more than ever, that our town functions best when everyone plays an active role in sharing ideas and ensuring their vision for Scotch Plains is heard. As always, our doors, emails, and Zooms remain open to everyone in town.

We want to hear from you and work with you to make Scotch Plains the best it can be.