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Message from Councilman Matt Adams | April 29, 2022

I recently had occasion to revisit the book, “Good to Great” by best-selling business author Jim Collins. The author develops what he calls the “Hedgehog Concept” to describe what it takes to be among the best.  In ancient mythology, the Hedgehog is symbol of wisdom and quiet strength.  The Hedgehog Concept is about transforming from a perfectly good organization to a great one through seemingly simple decisions that are well executed, creating a lasting legacy.

That is what is going on in Scotch Plains right now. It is really happening, at long last.

Collins’ Hedgehog Concept, something now taught in MBA and other graduate leadership programs around the country, emphasizes the need for a clear vision on the big picture before all the little pieces can fall into place. There are three variables called into consideration: (1) what you can be the best in the world at; (2) what drives your economic engine; and (3) what you are deeply passionate about.

The building blocks for something great exist in Scotch Plains, following that model. Long-needed and long-awaited progress for our community are on the way:

Downtown Revitalization Done Right: Four decades of master plans have called for the revitalization of our central business district.  Yet, real, sustained progress has been stalled for a variety of reasons, until now.

Never before has there been a fair and transparent effort to find a qualified developer to acquire and redevelop Township-owned properties along the Park Avenue corridor.

In the upcoming months, the nationwide search for a qualified developer will finally culminate with the selection of a developer to put shovels in the ground and build what has been talked about for as long as most people in this town can remember. 

Prioritizing Parks and Recreation: We are investing in parks, recreation, and youth sports facilities like never before.

Earlier this month, the Township Council adopted its 2022 Municipal Budget, complete with more than $1.3 million in improvements to our parks, recreation, and youth sports facilities.  It is only a small dent in the necessary upgrades to our existing portfolio of parks and recreation assets and does not yet address major supply limitations with steadily increasing demand, but it is nonetheless a necessary step in the right direction. 

We are systematically following the roadmap of the Recreation Master Plan to create inviting, inclusive spaces that will further foster the sense of community and pride that we all want to feel for our town.

Just this week, the new Director of Recreation and I walked through parks that will benefit from the 2022 capital improvement budget: Greenside, Green Forrest, and Brookside.  We explored the endless potential for what comes next, and began the necessary conversations about longer term goals. 

I am pleased to report that the shredded tires lining the playing surface at Greenside, the poor conditions of the tennis courts at Green Forrest, and the need for enhancements to the ballfield at Brookside for evening baseball and softball games will be addressed next, and we are already working with the Recreation Commission on priorities for next year. Parks and recreation facilities are incredibly important for a healthy, vibrant community.  While these community assets have not always been a priority, resulting in the present need for significant rehabilitation, they are now.

Safety and Security: Scotch Plains is a safe community.  By every objective measure, the Township is getting even safer, thanks to the dedicated men and women of our police department and our residents.

Just last week, in New Jersey’s latest “Safest Cities List,”  Scotch Plains moved up in the rankings to 71, from 79. Let’s aim even higher.  From consistently adding new police officers to our ranks, to ensuring that our first responders have the very best technology and equipment – we are working to improve public safety constantly. 

Perhaps most significantly, people look out for one another in this town. There is a cultural ethos that does not require a budgetary appropriation.  People here are built differently.  They typify what it means to be a friendly neighbor.  That sense of community is something that money cannot buy, and a critical building block to future greatness.

Top Notch Financial Rating: Municipal taxes have remained flat in town for a while now.  That is a byproduct of exceptional municipal financial management.

In the 2022 budget, that trend continues, with a zero percent tax increase over last year.  The township’s borrowing power is significant because of our exceptional bond rating. 

Unlike a private sector business, it is difficult to increase revenue for a municipality without tax hikes.  We need to capitalize on Federal, State, and County grants, as well as private sector partnerships.   This year, we have received hundreds of thousands of dollars in funding from these partners, allowing government services to increase and public safety and infrastructure projects infused in the 2022 municipal capital budget to happen without raising taxes. 

Funding from sources other than taxation starts with relationships and a commitment to building bridges.  We are doing just that for Scotch Plains.

An Inclusive, Welcoming Community: The uptick in bias incidents throughout the nation is extremely troubling.  Unfortunately, as recent news from a neighboring community has demonstrated, we are not immune from the evils of hate and intolerance.  Scotch Plains derives strength from its diversity.  Everyone is welcome here no matter who you love, what you look like, where you are from, or how you worship.

Whether it is Pride Month, the magnificent Italian American heritage of our community on display each Labor Day weekend at the beloved St. Bart’s Feast, our many houses of worship across a spectrum of faiths, our rich Native American history, the deep African American cultural influence that places like Shady Rest have had on Scotch Plains and the nation, we routinely celebrate our diversity. 

Out of many, we are indeed one. Every day, new families settle here for that same reason.  No amount of hatred can shake a foundation that has been built like ours.  Hate has no home in Scotch Plains.

Take note, New Jersey.  Take note, America.  Scotch Plains is on the rise.  All the necessary ingredients for a jump to greatness are here.  Our best days are yet to come.