Message from Councilwoman Elizabeth Stamler | January 24, 2025
As part of Scotch Plains’ affordable housing obligations – in which the state requires municipalities across New Jersey to expand the housing stock for low- and middle-income households – we are also required to administer a “Home Improvement Program.”
This program assists low- and moderate-income residents who need home repairs or the replacement of major systems, such as heating and roofs. There is a number of Scotch Plains homeowners who may qualify for this program, based on household income, and it is important that they know what is available to them. This is ideal, for example, for single-parent households, as well as senior citizens.
To be eligible, applicants must have a total gross annual household income that falls below the income limit for your household size. Based on current income limits, a family of four, for example, cannot earn more than $103,533 annually. Owner-occupied properties, as well as rentals through their landlords, can participate.
The program processes applicants on a first-come, first served basis. There is no cost to apply and filling out an application has no impact on your credit score. Program participants are encouraged to suggest contractors for the work, which is awarded to the lowest responsible bidder.
Eligible residents are provided up to $22,000 for critical home repairs as a no interest 10-year forgivable loan. After 10 years, if the property owner complies with the specifics of the program, there is no need to pay back the money. An added bonus: there is no monthly loan payment. Also, the use of the program’s professional inspector comes at no added cost.
The money can be used for a variety of repairs, such as Heating and Electrical Systems, Plumbing System Components, Roofs, Weatherization (windows, insulation, etc.) and Foundations.
Funds for this program are generated through the Township’s Affordable Housing Trust Fund. The money comes from developers who build in Scotch Plains, not the municipal budget or property taxpayers. The Township receives rehabilitation credits towards satisfying our affordable housing present need obligations for every unit that successfully completes the program.
As the program is guided by the state, there are specific rules and regulations that Scotch Plains cannot change. For example, a professional inspector oversees the process, making sure the appropriate work is being undertaken on qualifying homes and that the house is being brought up to code to meet state regulations.
The township also has an administrative agent – Community Grants, Planning & Housing, LLC (CGP&H), a private consulting firm specializing in the implementation of publicly-funded housing rehabilitation programs, which manages and administers the program on our behalf.
To learn more, call (609) 664-2781, email