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Message from Mayor Josh Losardo | February 10, 2022

We have been working since the beginning of the year on several matters that will improve Scotch Plains this year and going forward.

As residents know, our Department of Public Works has been working around the clock clearing our roads to ensure they are safe.  First, our roads were cleared of leaves, then roads were salted to prevent ice from forming and, finally, snow cleared after each storm. 

The DPW often works quietly and seamlessly, but the labor is intensive and seemingly never-ending. My colleagues and I are examining ways in which we can further improve DPW services, while helping the staff better handle the burden. 

In other news:

Leaf Removal

The administration is now working on a revised Leaf Removal Plan for the fall, in which the DPW crews would prioritize leaf collection on streets adjacent to our public schools, thus making them more pedestrian-friendly.

We are also considering hiring new DPW personnel to facilitate road improvements in the future.  Other changes are being considered as well, with input from residents, as Scotch Plains continues to strive to do more.

Redevelopment Update

There is plenty to report. The township amended its plans for the Lidl (formerly Snuffy’s) and Quickchek (formerly Jade Isle) properties.  These plans will be reviewed by our Planning Board on Valentine’s Day (I couldn’t think of anything more romantic to do that evening!) and I am confident that each property will recognize great changes in the very near future.

Mailed Messenger

You should also be receiving our greatly-improved Scotch Plains Messenger, mailed out this week to all residents, businesses and post offices boxes.  The annual printed  Messenger, which dovetails with our weekly electronic E-Messenger, highlights the many services the Township offers. 

The Messenger is also available on the municipal website,, or click here.

Celebrating Black History

February is Black History Month, the ideal time to celebrate the experiences and accomplishments of African-Americans who have helped define the course of history in Scotch Plains.

Our town is always proud to support community events that not only demonstrate the importance of Black History Month but inspire us to seek a future where racial discrimination is no more.

People like Malcolm E. Nettingham and John Shippen remind us of the enormous contributions of Black residents through the years, as stories of our Shady Rest Country Club and Kramer Manor neighborhood need to be told and retold.

A Discussion on Flooding

Moving through February, I would like to invite you to a public meeting at the Shady Rest Country Club at 7 p.m. on Feb. 24. At my request, Rep. Tom Malinowski will be meeting with residents to discuss flooding issues affecting Scotch Plains and nearby communities.

Following Hurricane Ida on Sept. 1, I received numerous calls and emails about flooding. As this is a regional issue, which would require state and federal funding to address, the congressman accepted our invitation to update all of us on progress being made.

This is an important moment to express concerns, learn about current remedial plans and share feedback.

Support the Cannonball House

Also, our local historical society has been focused on having the 1760 Osborn Cannonball House Museum list on the National Registry of Historical Places.  Honestly, I’m surprised the designation did not occur decades ago, as the clapboard house, at 1840 Front St., is a community treasure.

To get the house the recognition it richly deserves requires professional research.  And that requires money. Please consider a donation to The Historical Society of Scotch Plains and Fanwood, P.O. Box 261, Scotch Plains, NJ 07076.  Your donation would be an incredible investment, as the national designation would make the house eligible for state and federal preservation grants.

A Warm, Final Thought

Let me conclude by noting that we are quickly moving through winter. 

Just think: spring training baseball games begin Feb. 26 if the owners and players resolve their conflict, Daylight Savings Time starts March 13 and we welcome spring on March 20.

I, for one, can’t wait.