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Message from Deputy Mayor Ellen Zimmerman

Message from Deputy Mayor Ellen Zimmerman | September 6, 2024

As the new school year begins, Scotch Plains is once again filled with all the excitement and anticipation that comes with this time of year. It remains a key objective of the Township Council, as well as the Administration and the Scotch Plains Police Department, to ensure the safety of our children, families, educators and residents. 

With the hope of crisp early fall weather on the heels of this brutally hot summer, we anticipate there will also be an influx of residents walking and riding their bicycles, particularly in the vicinity of our schools. Recognizing the volume of anticipated traffic for Back to School, we continually ask the Police Department to identify new ways to ensure even safer streets in Scotch Plains. 

Police Chief Jeff Briel has been an excellent partner. He is reminding residents of important safety protocols to ensure the well-being of our students and the entire community, as our streets will soon be filled with the morning rush to the public, private and parochial schools in our area.

We are asking for continued vigilance and cooperation from all motorists. As always, we will work together to protect our children and ensure a safe environment for learning and growth.

The Township Council, which ultimately decides speed limits with the advice of police leadership, has focused on Plainfield Avenue, where our officers place radar signs to further slow down passing vehicles, as well as solar powered pedestrian crossing signals, with push buttons to activate them.

Chief Briel said the police will also be installing flashing crosswalk signs on Westfield Road near Greenside Place, Westfield Road near Evergreen Avenue and Westfield Road near Waldon Road.  To further enhance pedestrian safety, there will be flashing radar signs installed on Westfield Avenue between Westfield Road and Henry Street, the chief said.

Police are also prohibiting parking on Pine Street near the Evergreen Elementary School. There will also be “no parking” signs on Ascot Road from 7 am-9 am and 2 pm-4 pm on school days only.

Scotch Plains police have also installed new flashing radar signs on Lake Avenue between Raritan Road and Goodman’s Crossing at the border of Clark.

“The schools remain a priority, as always, and you can plan on seeing our marked units in the areas of the schools,” Briel said.

The police are continually looking at other side streets in Scotch Plains that are commonly being used as pass-throughs, especially when school is in session, and identifying other traffic-calming initiatives as we work together to make the roads as safe as possible.

If you believe a particular intersection or other area of town is in need of traffic-calming measures, please do not hesitate to reach out to the Police Department for review at 908-322-7100.  Also, for the latest emergency notifications, regarding any potential hazards or concerns in our area, please make sure to sign up for First Alert.

I'm proud to say all of our school crossing guards are experienced at their given posts and equipped to facilitate safe passage of students. All guards receive comprehensive training in accordance with statewide mandates to ensure they are able to perform their duties effectively and safely. 

On behalf of the Mayor and my Council colleagues, I would like to express my deep and ongoing appreciation to all of our community’s public safety professionals.  They continue to prioritize the safety of our residents above all else as Scotch Plains heads back to school for the 24-25 year.

My best wishes to all of our students, educators and support staff as we kick off the new year.

Back-to-School Tips from the Scotch Plains P.D. 

The Scotch Plains Police Department would like to remind everyone of the importance of safety as our students return to school on Thursday, Sept. 5.

“Our officers will be out in force during the start of the school year to help ensure everyone’s safety," Chief Jeffrey Briel said. "We encourage all township residents to take these reminders to heart and help ensure this school year is a safe and successful one.”

Some key points to keep in mind:

* School Zones: Please be extra cautious when driving through school zones. Speed limits are reduced in these areas for a reason, and enforcement will be increased to ensure the safety of our students.

* Crosswalks: Be on the lookout for children crossing the streets, especially near schools and bus stops. Always yield to pedestrians in crosswalks and never pass a stopped school bus with its lights flashing.

* Bus Safety: If you are a parent, please review bus safety rules with your children. Remind them to stay seated on the bus, keep the aisles clear, and always wait for the bus to come to a complete stop before getting off. All school buses are equipped with seatbelts and students are required to wear them.

* Walking and Biking: If your children walk or bike to school, make sure they know the safest routes to take. Encourage them to use sidewalks, cross at crosswalks, and always wear a helmet when biking.

* Stranger Awareness: Teach your children to be aware of their surroundings and to avoid talking to strangers. If they ever feel unsafe, they should immediately find a trusted adult or go to the nearest safe location.

* Communication and Emergency Preparedness: Make sure your child knows your contact information and how to reach you in case of an emergency. Schools will be conducting regular safety drills. Please discuss the importance of these drills with your children so they understand what to do in various emergency situations.

* Community Vigilance: As a community, we all play a role in keeping our children safe. If you see something suspicious or concerning, please do not hesitate to report it to the police at 908-322-7100.