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Stormwater Management

When it rains and when snow melts, some of the stormwater is absorbed into the ground as it flows over lawns and other open space. This process is known as groundwater infiltration. Stormwater also flows over roofs, streets and parking lots into a collection system of inlets, culverts and streams and ultimately flows directly into our rivers, lakes, streams and the ocean.

Increasing development has a great impact on runoff; more impervious surfaces (roads, rooftops, parking lots and other hard surfaces that do not allow stormwater to soak into the ground) increase the rate of stormwater runoff. Along the way, this “runoff” picks up contaminants such as fertilizers, soil and other sediment, pet waste, and vehicle wash-off, such as oil and toxic metals; all of which end up in the waters that we use for drinking, swimming, fishing, etc.

Stormwater runoff has been identified as the leading threat to the water quality in New Jersey. As development continues to increase, more contaminants find their way into our waterways, potentially impacting the quality of our drinking water. The NJDEP Municipal Stormwater Management Rules mandate municipalities to develop plans and implement certain pollution prevention measures to reduce the amount of pollutants entering our waterways. 

Here you can find important information about how you, as a resident, can best facilitate proper stormwater flow. 

  1. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SPPP)
  2. Municipal Stormwater Management Plan (MSWMP)
  3. Stormwater Control Ordinance (SCO)
  4. Pet Waste Ordinance
  5. Wildlife Feeding Ordinance
  6. Litter Control Ordinance
  7. Improper Disposal of Waste Ordinance
  8. Containerized Yard Waste/Yard Waste Collection Program Ordinance
  9. Private Storm Drain Inlet Retrofitting Ordinance
  10. Illicit Connection Ordinance
  11. Tree Removal/Replacement Ordinance - Updates Coming Soon
  12. Privately-Owned Salt Storage Ordinance. - Updates Coming Soon
  13. MS4 Outfall Pipe Map

Click on the links below to learn more about stormwater and get access to educational resources.

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Stormwater Education Handout

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Stormwater Education Brochure

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Pet Waste Flyer

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