Correction: Second-Quarter Tax Payments Are Due By May 10
Second-quarter tax payments are due, payments must reach the tax collector on or before May 10 to avoid interest charges.
Payments can be submitted as follows:
By regular mail:
Tax Collector
Township of Scotch Plains
430 Park Avenue
Scotch Plains, NJ 07076
Online – On the homepage of the municipal website, scotchplainsnj.gov, click the tab for Online Payments. You will be directed to make an online payment using a credit card or e-check (additional charges apply).
Drop off – Residents may drop off their payments at the Finance office at Town Hall at 430 Park Ave.
* Note: There was a misprint of the date in this week's e-messenger indicating that the last day to pay taxes without penalty was May 11, but it is actually May 10.
Published - May 8, 2022