Historical Society Meeting: Tuesday September 27th
Hi Everyone,
The summer went by very quickly for me and fall is only a couple of days away. I’m excited that the weather is less humid and that we will start meeting regularly at our Historical Society programs and Museum Open Houses.
Upcoming very quickly is our first program meeting of the year. I’m thrilled that one of our own members, Dr. Marcia Anderson starts us off. She will guide us through a historical journey to Palisades, NJ venturing from 200 million years ago to the early 20th century. Marcia will explore geology, dinosaurs, an American Revolutionary War battle & the birth of the US film industry. At the end, we will revisit the “cliffhanger”, most notably coined from the 20-part serial: “The Perils of Pauline” filmed on and about the Palisades along with some other notable films of the pre-Hollywood era.
Besides learning from a lot from this US EPA Specialist, we will have a wonderful opportunity to visit and catch up with each other.
DATE: Tuesday September 27th
TIME: 7:30 p.m.
PLACE: Shady Rest Country Club, 820 Jerusalem Rd. (Corner of Plainfield Ave.), Scotch Plains
Remember you can bring family and friends to this free program. We always follow with refreshments and fellowship . If anyone can help me & Marie Leppert with refreshments please e-mail me or call me at 908-337-7735. I hope to see everyone soon, Connie