Message from Councilman Matt Adams | April 14, 2023
It is springtime, and the renewal is evident throughout Scotch Plains.
But besides the annual signs of the season – from buds on the trees to young ballplayers on the infield – our town is seeing rebirth in new ways. Over the past couple of years, the Township has been focusing on a number of redevelopment projects. Some of them are now blooming, so to speak.
If you have been on Terrill Road this week, you will see workers tearing down the former Jade Isle restaurant that has been closed since February 2018, after serving Chinese food and cocktails since 1971. It is a corner piece of commercial property at East Second Street that has caught the eye of QuickChek, which is planning to build a convenience store and fueling station on the site, as part of the township’s redevelopment plans.
Scotch Plains will also soon be bidding farewell to Snuffy’s, a former catering hall on Park Avenue that opened in 1932 by an entrepreneur who ran speakeasies in Scotch Plains, Mountainside and Garwood during Prohibition.
Soon, the massive building at the gateway to our downtown from Route 22 is expected to be taken down. In its place will be a Lidl supermarket, which is welcome news to many of our residents who have consistently noted that Scotch Plains does not have its own supermarket.
In addition, the 5.5-acre site will accommodate a park-and-ride as an amenity for local commuters. As we all know that Scotch Plains does not have its own train station, it was important to identify a location on Route 22 that can provide easy, safe and pleasant access to transit. We are excited about the future of the site, as a supermarket and commuter parking fulfills two needs in Scotch Plains and further strengthens our downtown corridor.
As we look toward rebirth, I must also recognize the township’s plans to vastly improve two neighborhood parks this year, as part of our ongoing program to invest in recreational spaces. It has been well documented that Scotch Plains has not provided the level of care to its municipal parks for some time. We are now playing catch-up, as we identify projects that benefit residents and visitors throughout town.
This spring, you will see enhancements underway at Green Forest Park, 554 Westfield Road, and Green Side Playground, 355 Westfield Road.
Green Forest Park has historically been home to a modest playground, a picnic area, a small multi-use indoor structure, and a set of tennis courts. Walking distance from multiple schools, and central to some of our town’s most vibrant and family-friendly residential neighborhoods, Green Forest’s prime location makes it a priority for immediate rehabilitation.
The Township is transforming the chain link fencing, tattered nets, and cracked concrete of the current tennis courts into a brand-new multi-use roller hockey, basketball, and futsal (hard court soccer) court. There will also be a number of highly coveted pickleball courts added to capture the significant demand here for the sport.
Future plans for Green Forest Park under the Recreation Master Plan include such amenities as a splash pad and enhanced picnic facilities.
Greenside Playground, a favorite of the youngest Scotch Plains residents, received new equipment in 2019 under a county grant. However, the outdated rubber mulch playing surface needs replacement and the configuration of the playground demands a more immersive experience with additional accessible, imaginative equipment. On a hot, sunny day, there is also no shade at Greenside, as presently configured.
So, the Township developed a comprehensive plan. You will see the entire facility deconstructed this spring to make way for a new safety surface, new fencing to keep the little ones secure and additional, accessible playground attractions to support the new equipment already added four years ago. We are happily taking Greenside Playground “down to the studs,” and reinventing it.
I am invigorated by the number of redevelopment projects taking root this spring, as well as the pipeline of planning that calls for a sweeping redevelopment of our downtown and other projects that will breathe new life into our community.
We are planning for Scotch Plains’ current needs, as well as those of future generations. It is an exciting time to be here and I thank you for the opportunity to be a part of it, as a member of your governing body.
I look forward to seeing you around town soon, as we continue to hear ideas about ways to continue Scotch Plains’ rebirth. In the interim, you can always reach me at