Message from Councilwoman Elizabeth Stamler | March 31, 2023
Every year, Scotch Plains joins the world in the celebration of Earth Day – held April 22 to mark the anniversary of the birth of the modern environmental movement in 1970.
This year will be no different, as Scotch Plains is once again hosting a communitywide clean-up and seedling giveaway. As always, we begin hyping the event at the end of March, as we call for a small army of volunteers and site captains to spread around town. THANK YOU to our volunteers - we could not do this work without you!
The clean-up is set for 8-10 a.m. on Saturday, April 22. Individuals, families or groups will be assigned to various properties, park spaces and waterways around Scotch Plains that could use some attention after the winter months.
Of course, it is free to participate. But we do need to know you are planning to join us so we can maximize the volunteers. You can register here: https://register.capturepoint.com/scotchplains. Go to “2023-Events.” Those who register can also suggest a location in which they would like to pick up litter. (For more information, call the Department of Parks and Recreation at 908-322-6700, ext. 223.)
While the clean-up is taking place, I invite residents to visit Brookside Park, 1255 Hetfield Ave., from 9-11 a.m., when the Township will once again be distributing free seedlings on a first-come, first-served basis. Each year, the seedlings are generously donated by the New Jersey Tree Recovery Campaign, via the Arbor Day Foundation and the NJ Forest Service Nursery.
In addition, we are planning our second “free cycle market” on April 22 (rain date April 23) at Brookside Park. There is more information in this E-Messenger about the program, in which old items find new homes, as opposed to being sent to landfills. Redecorating and want to get rid of artwork or vases? Kids no longer using certain toys?
Sign up to drop your items off! Registration is required through CommunityPass to donate items. “Shopping” takes place from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. for items, such as books, toys, small appliances, gently-used sports equipment, etc. Shoppers are welcome from any town, but drop-off slots are only available to Scotch Plains residents who sign up in advance (limited availability).
The Westfield Green Team will also be hosting their Free Market on April 22. Once again, drop-offs are limited to Westfield residents but shopping is open to anyone from 11:30am- 2pm at the South Avenue Train Station parking lot.
Also, to mark Earth Day, we are planning a blood drive through New York Blood Services, which has a location in Scotch Plains. Again, more information is available in this issue of the E-Messenger.
While all this activity is very important for our efforts to keep Scotch Plains beautiful, it is important to note that Earth Day means more than picking up litter. It has become a real movement, recognizing that it was not that long ago when Americans remained largely oblivious to pollution and how it directly threatens human health. The need for blood never stops. All residents who donate blood during our drive dates are entered to win a prize, courtesy of the Mayor's Wellness Program.
On May 7, Scotch Plains is collaborating with the AmeriCorps NJ Watershed to clean up the Green Brook from 10 am - noon. More to come!