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Message from Councilmember Ellen Zimmerman | July 7, 2022

Far too many of our friends, neighbors and loved ones in Scotch Plains continue to struggle with their mental health and are faced with ongoing stressors. I find myself worrying that many are bearing anguish silently, and alone.

In response, I am encouraged to see a growing nationwide effort to raise awareness to help prevent suicide and other negative behavioral health outcomes, as well as a bill signed last week in New Jersey to establish a comprehensive behavioral health crisis system of care to support this federal initiative.

One major focus is the nation’s shift to a 3-digit dialing code as a way to strengthen and expand the existing National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. Beginning July 16, those in need can access the Lifeline via 988 or by the original 10-digit number, 1-800-273-8255, (which will not go away).

In October 2020, the federal government enacted the bipartisan National Suicide Designation Act into law. This law established 988 as a universal number for mental health crises and suicide prevention, a first step towards a transformed crisis care system.

The need for 988 and a continuum of crisis services is greater than ever. According to a 2020 survey conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than one in 10 adults in the U.S. had seriously considered suicide in the 30 days prior to the survey and four in 10 adults experienced a behavioral health condition, like anxiety or depression.

It remains alarming that too many people in our community who struggle with mental illness feel they have nowhere to turn.

These include our treasured veterans, and more and more of our young people. Establishment of this new crisis service is a lifesaver not only for people considering taking their own lives, but for those who also require the support of trained mental health professionals.

988 is more than just an easy-to-remember emergency number, like 911. The upgraded 988 service provides a quick, direct connection to compassionate, accessible care and support for anyone experiencing mental distress. The line is monitored at all times with trained professionals ready to serve, for all who call, text or chat via 988.

The Lifeline encompasses a national network of more than 200 local, independent, and state-funded crisis centers poised to help. I want to underscore that 988 is not about replacing the current system of care. Rather, the initiative is about making it easier to access what will become a strengthened and expanded network of crisis call centers.

In New Jersey, Gov. Phil Murphy just signed a law requiring the state Department of Human Services (DHS) to establish a comprehensive behavioral health crisis system of care. The bill, S-311, co-sponsored by Sen. Joe Vitale (D-Middlesex) and Sen. Vin Gopal (D-Monmouth), comes in response to this new hotline.

The new law calls for the state DHS commissioner to establish additional crisis hotline centers to build up capacity for New Jersey 988 callers within the next six months.

Moreover, the DHS commissioner is now required to establish mobile crisis response teams and have the call centers refer callers to crisis stabilization services, as needed, according to guidelines and best practices established by the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.

New Jersey’s system must assure that crisis counselors in the call centers respond to calls for help 24 hours per day, seven days per week, while also emphasizing the specific needs of high risk and specialized populations.
I believe this law is a strong step forward in ensuring that those in behavioral health crisis can get the help they need quickly and safely.

The 988 dialing code will be available nationwide for call (multiple languages), text or chat (English only) on July 16. Until then, those experiencing a mental health or suicide-related crisis, or those helping a loved one through crisis, should continue to reach the Lifeline at its current number, 1-800-273-8255.

I urge Scotch Plains residents who wish to obtain additional information on the launch of 988 Lifeline to visit the state’s website at