Columbus Day Essay Contest
Scotch Plains Fanwood UNICO
Columbus Day Italian Heritage Essay Contest
Open to local students in grades 5-8. $100 PRIZE!
Explore your family's heritage, express gratitude for their Italian roots, and take part in a community service event that recognizes cultural identity.
- Participants should focus the essays on their ancestors' immigration journey from Italy to America, their family history, and what their heritage means to them.
- Entries will be judged in 2 groups, Grades 5-6 and 7-8, with 1 winner per group.
- Open to local students of Italian decent.
- Essays should be between 1-3 pages, double spaced.
- Entries will be evaluated based on their content, creativity, and connection to the theme.
- Essays should be submitted to
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by October 6. - Winners will be announced during the Columbus Day Celebration on Saturday Oct. 14, 10am, at the Scotch Plains Town Hall Village Green, or inside town hall in the event of rain.
- Participants are not required to attend, but winners will be notified in advance and should be present to accept their award.
Published - Sep 27, 2023